March 2010 Rep127
• Turning to God in the Evils facing Ireland
• Holy Face of Jesus devotion for Ireland’s Conversion
• Civil Partnership Bill’s implications
• HLI (Ireland) at March For Life in Washington
• Children's Rights Referendum
• Send us your email for rapid updates
Dear Friend of HLI (Ireland),
Right now, Ireland is faced with
• Threat of abortion from the AB & C case in Europe,
• the evil of the Civil Partnerships bill,
• the human embryo no longer to have legal protection from conception,
• the assault on our youth by proposed contraceptive usage for 14yr olds upwards,
• the attack on Catholic pregnancy counselling agencies,
• parental rights to be forcibly over-ridden by government-driven children’s “rights” in an imminent referendum
• Ireland criticised by Human Rights Watch for not having legalised abortion,
• in vitro fertilisation to be legalised,
• abortifacient morning after pill everywhere
All these evils are nothing less than an attack on God’s law itself.
They are a profound attack on the sanctity of life, marriage, faith and family.
This is a SERIOUS time for Ireland
Seeking God’s Face I’ve been praying hard about all the ills bombarding Ireland.
I have been asking the Lord for HIS battle plan. HE has the victory – HIS is the power. Things are so bad that we are simply compelled to turn to God to sort out this mess. Recently I asked God; “Show your Face to me Lord.”
What do you think happened?
A short time later, I was handed prayers to the HOLY FACE OF JESUS!
I am convinced that devotion to the HOLY FACE of JESUS is an unfathomable channel of power for our country.
This devotion has great power to: 1) overturn evil, 2) bring victory for God’s Kingdom, 3) effect conversion of sinners, 4) resolve difficulties and 5) make crucial reparation to God.
It has been authenticated by several Popes.
Read carefully these two scriptures about God’s Face: from Ps 43 (44):
“No sword of their own won the land,
No arm of their own brought them victory,
It was your right hand, your arm
And the light of your Face, for you loved them.”
“Restore us, O God; make your face shine upon us, that we may be saved.”(Ps 80:3)
The power of God’s Face brings victory – wins the land – saves and restores God’s people.
Will you Join Me? I am convinced – with all my heart – that Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus is part of God’s battle instructions to us at this time in Ireland!
We live under the gaze of the Supreme Commander as we face this difficult time.
I have begun praying the devotional prayers in the enclosed booklet to the Holy Face every day this Lent. I am praying for the overthrow of the enemies of God and deeper establishment of the “Culture of Life.”
I urge you – our faithful HLI (Ireland) supporters - to join me personally for the rest of this Lent every day in calling on God to turn His Facetowards Ireland in a way we never have before. Indeed, why stop at the end of Lent?
As the light of His Face shines upon us, the darkness is dissolved.
Please join me specifically for an end to the nine attacks endangering Ireland listed at the beginning of this newsletter.
As an aid, see blue enclosed prayer card.
Tools for Victory
These are powerful prayers associated to this devotion. Along with fasting, I am convinced the TOOLS FOR VICTORY are within our grasp if we act faithfully.
I am willing to speak in parishes to explain more fully why.
Believe me, the REST OF THE WORLD is looking at Ireland to hold firm.
Let’s act together to lead the way in Europe to be truly a “Culture of Life”
Authenticated by the Church
Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus has been authorised by Popes Leo XIII and Pius XII, and has been practised by many of the saints over the centuries.
Pope Benedict XVI is due to beatify one of the modern visionaries, Mother Pietrina de Michelli, in May 2010.
Modern day devotion began when a Sr. Marie of St Peter, a Carmelite nun in Tours, France began to receive visions of Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary around 1830.
Sr. Marie was told that every act of sacrilege or blasphemy against God was like a “poisoned arrow” directed against God.
She was given a prayer of reparation called the “Golden Arrow” prayer by which she saw in a vision the Sacred heart of Jesus delightfully wounded by this “Golden Arrow”, as torrents of grace streamed from it for the conversion of sinners. (see accompanying pamphlet for the Golden Arrow Prayer).
She composed a Litany to the Holy Face of Jesus and these prayers to the Holy Face spread throughout the world.
St Therese of Lisieux fell so in love with the Face of Jesus through this devotion that she took the name: Sr. Therese of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face!
The autobiography of Sr. Mary of St. Peter, entitled the “Golden Arrow,” we are offering to you at the end of this newsletter. Wonderful promises are associated with this devotion..
As you will read in the enclosed booklet, the devotion is a particular reparation for the sins of atheism, communism, blasphemy and profanation of Sundays and other Holy Days of Obligation.
This includes attacks against religion and against Holy Church. It is markedly effective for the conversion of sinners.
Medal of the Holy Face
Mother Pietrina de Michelli (to be beatified May 2010) received visions of Jesus and Mary around 1930 and who was instructed by God to propagate the medal of the Holy Face of Jesus.
She received permission from the Vatican to reproduce the image of the face from the shroud of Turin, and in 1958, Pope Pius XII approved the devotion and the medal.
Great blessings are associated with the use of this medal.
Order your complimentary blessed medal of the Holy Face of Jesus from HLI (Ireland) on the enclosed reply form.
“Every time my Face is contemplated, I will pour out my love into the heart of those persons, and by means of my Holy Face, the salvation of many souls will be obtained” (Our Lord to Sr. Pietrina)
Civil Partnerships Bill
I had the privilege to be present at a meeting organised by Richard Greene on 17th February 2010, Ash Wednesday, when a group of concerned Irish citizens met Minister Eamon Ryan T.D. and Deputy Ciaran Cuffe T.D. to express their disapproval of the forthcoming civil partnerships bill.
This draconian bill would legalise “rights” for homosexual people against the will of the majority, seriously undermine Christian marriage, and sets the scene for future child adoption by homosexual couples. Serious concern exists for anyone who will not wish to cooperate with a so-called “Gay” marriage eg photographers, florists, Church Halls, B&B / Hotel owners.
It is entirely consistent with an E.U. wide agenda to impose demands of a tiny homosexual minority. Exactly the same is going on in N. Ireland with a Bill of Rights presently being pushed in N. Ireland.
Approval of Evil
At this meeting with Minister Ryan and Deputy Cuffe, who both were inclined favorably to this bill, I spoke publicly and said that:
“The ‘toleration’ of evil is far different than the approval or legalisation of evil. Homosexual unions are patently immoral acts.
The government has the responsibility to safeguard public morality, and, above all, to avoid exposing young people to erroneous ideas about sexuality and marriage that would deprive them of their necessary defences and contribute to the spread of this phenomenon.
This bill is NOT about toleration of homosexual rights, nor is it about equality.
This is REALLY about the destruction of the institution of marriage between a husband and wife.
Before God, a Catholic legislator cannot formally cooperate with or promote this bill.
To vote in favour of a law so harmful to the common good is, as the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith states “gravely immoral.”
A conscience clause (which some are lobbying for) is not enough. If we accept the concession of a conscience clause, we implicitly accept everything else in this bill.
This bill should be kicked out in its entirety.” Judging from the response, most in attendance were in agreement.
Wider Picture Worldwide, homosexual activists are not content to merely have the legalisation of their lifestyle.
On February 14th, a group of homosexual activists protested outside a Chicago’s Holy Name Cathedral as Catholic married couples attended a ceremony to renew their marriage vows on Valentine’s day. The crowd screamed chants about ‘hatred towards gays’ and that the Pope is ‘anti-gay’.
In Holland, a Dutch Catholic priest who withheld Communion last week from his town's openly homosexual Carnival “prince” was faced at Mass this Sunday with a protest from homosexual activists.
Is this what we can expect if more and more demands are conceded to the homosexual lobby?
The homosexual person needs our love and support. They do not need legislation to endanger their souls. That is not a loving response.
Children’s Rights Referendum
I am personally deeply worried about the forthcoming Children’s Rights Referendum. In my view, it is a step towards serious dismantling of the traditional family and welfare of the children themselves.
Reading the text for the new wording of the Bill, on the surface it appears fine sounding and innocuous.
Whilst the wording articulates the primary role of parents, the mechanisms however, are in place for parents rights to be over-ridden by government-driven ‘children’s rights’.
Children will have unprecedented exposure to information and values all in the name of “equality” and “non-discrimination.”
The State will claim for itself the right to interpret what is in the “best interests of the child” where this differs from parental input.
This is the trend rapidly being implemented across the E.U.
Yet another matter for serious prayer and action.
March for Life
I had the privilege of attending the massive March For Life in Washington D.C. on January 22nd. Three hundred thousand people attended. Imagine a march, eighty people deep, passing by for a full two hours.
I was deeply impressed by pro-life America. Human Life International had a strong international presence.
Fr Sylvester Mann C.F.R., currently based in Ireland, addressed a rally outside the White House the night before the March.
Typically, American media coverage was almost zero for what is the biggest annual gathering in U.S.A.
ASK Majella in Limelight
Our pregnancy counselling work continues to be subject to media spotlight. Last week, the magazine Hotpress carried an untrue and misleading story, featuring a report from Sinead Ahern, a spokeswoman for the pro-abortion group Choice Ireland.
Please do keep HLI (Ireland) / ASK Majella’s work in your prayers as we make an appropriate response.
Recourse to Jesus and Mary
Do you believe God can intervene sovereignly and miraculously into the current affairs of Ireland?
Do you believe He wants us to act for VICTORY over the “Culture of Death?” I do.
Again, join me every day for the rest of Lent in calling on God to shine the light of His Face towards Ireland through devotion to His Holy Face.
Pray the prayers in the enclosed booklet specifically for the defeat of the nine attacks endangering Ireland listed at the beginning of this newsletter and on enclosed blue prayer card.
Please give the second blue card enclosed to another person as a Lenten act. It uses a short verse of scripture to pray God’s light into each of the issues listed.
Join our fasting rota to fast one day per month by ticking the box on the enclosed reply form.
Email rapid response
Will you send us your email for rapid updates and information releases?
Please fill it in on enclosed reply form and post back. Many thanks.