The Children’s Rights Referendum

The Children's Rights Referendum

Let’s Pray for the Victory of the Lamb...

Catholic and Christian parents stand up!

Grandparents stand up!

Pray and fast for your Children!!!

The so-called “Children’s Rights” movement has been waiting in the wings to bring forth a referendum on “rights” for children at the right moment.

This thinly-disguised façade is not about protecting vulnerable children but is the State wanting complete power to take over and indoctrinate our children. It is a gross violation of parent’s rights to rear their children as THEY see fit.

It is a State power-grab of monstrous proportions! It is one of the most evil pieces of legislation to come to our shores! If passed, it would be a devastating step in the attempted dismantling of Irish Catholicism, the traditional family and our unique hardwon culture.


Because based on the experience of other countries and on the most recently proposed wording for constitutional amendments, if passed, the scene would be set for:

(1) Forcible State confiscation of ANY child – at the whim of social agencies.

(2) Parents would have no say in this ‘confiscation’ – all legal constitutional recourse would be gone!

(3) Forced vaccinations of every child – as the State takes over health and medical decisions.

(4) Children‘s exposure to information on pornography, contraception, paedophilia and every sort of depraved immoral behaviour all in the name of “equality” and “inclusivity” and “non-discrimination”.

(5) Reporting of parents by neighbours, shop onlookers or vindictive family members of suspected ‘abuse’.

(6) Unbelievably, children must be “protected” from the opinions or faith beliefs of parents if these are considered a basis of “discrimination” or “punishment”.(Article 2 UNCRC) What about a naughty child?

(7) Imprisonment of non-complying parents who do not desist from “imposing” their religious views on their children.

(8) Unprecedented autonomy of children to pursue their own wishes in eg what they view on the internet, who they associate with etc.

(9) Children to decide and report on their parents if parents’ rules, discipline or religious faith be deemed too restrictive.

(10) Children taught to defy, mistrust or accuse their parents of criminal deprivation or emotional abuse should the child’s whims not be fulfilled.

Don’t be fooled for one moment by accusations that an article such as this is “scaremongering”.

Just look at the debacle in Nordic countries where thousands of children are forcibly removed from parents at the behest of State social workers is warning enough. See

One international human rights lawyer has termed what has happened to some families in Sweden an “unspeakable tyranny”.

This is all coming from the United Nations Convention on Rights of the Child which Ireland signed up to and ratified without consulting the people.

This Convention is part of a concerted global takeover of the lives of private citizens.

This profoundly arrogant power-grab MUST BE STOPPED IN ITS TRACKS!

One observer said that so much power has been handed over to Europe that “only the power of prayer can save us!”

That is exactly My POINT!

Why Fix it?

Why fix something that's not broken? Supreme Court Judge Hardiman has deemed current constitutional provisions fully recognise the "imprescriptable" rights of the child.
They are already sufficiently adequate to protect children from neglect or abuse.

If a referendum proceeds, watch out for propaganda, distressingly manipulative images of children or arguments that this referendum is necessary to stop child abuse, which is patently not the case.

Who will gain?

Who will gain rights if this is passed? Children lose their right to parental protection, parents lose all authority over their children whilst fat cat children's "rights" lobby groups and State agencies are set for huge financial benefits. These lavishly funded entities have been preparing the ground for twenty years, seeking even more power for a State that has already demonstrated woeful negligence of children in its care.

Whether they usher in a referendum or enact legislation to attempt such tyrannical dominance, either way is an abonimable attack on the family - the most stabilising foundation of civil society.

This profoundly arrogant power-grab MUST BE STOPPED IN ITS TRACKS! One observer has said that so much power has been handed over to Europe that "only the power of prayer can save us!"


The Way Forward…

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FIRSTLY, I am calling for 10,000 others to join me cry to Heaven for God’s mercy! State takeover of Children is the ugly face of atheistic Communism!

The HOLY FACE OF JESUS devotion was REVEALED BY HEAVEN to Sr. Mary of St. Peter to precisely counteract atheistic Communism in 1849.

This is a HEAVEN REVEALED remedy to the ills of our times!

Click on the link just below to obtain your Blessed Holy Face of Jesus medal to which great graces are attached.

SECONDLY, Revelation 21:23 states

“The (city's) lamp was the Lamb. The nations will walk by its light”.
Ireland’s lamp is the Lamb – the Lamb of God who appeared at Knock.

This year, join us in our “Lamb Will Conquer” Rosary campaign 2012.

Order Your FREE rosary calendar in the order form to join us in praying for the Victorious Reign of the Lamb to truly come to bear in Ireland.

Please click here to fill in the order form in the advert

Every day you include this intention in your daily rosary, mark the date in the calendar and send into our office at end of each month. We will present the rosary totals to the Lamb at a special Mass at Knock Shrine at end of the year.

We can be confident that Our Lady of Knock and the certain Victory of the LAMB OF GOD can do anything. Truth, Light and the power of God have overcome enormous evil before.

Join an international movement of Intercessors for defeat of this referendum / legislation.

Christ's Victory on the Cross has vanquished the very powers of Hell.

Let us seek the defeat of this assault on the very fabric of family life.

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