Ultrasound Scanner Appeal

Ultrasound Scanner Appeal

“NO WAY are we having an abortion!”

- father seeing his baby
on an ultrasound scanner...

July 2014

A father – of non-Christian faith - hell bent on abortion – had a

complete change of mind

when he saw his baby on our ultrasound scanner last month!There’s NO WAY we are having an abortion!” he said.When a woman sees her baby on an ultrasound - the chances of saving that baby from abortion


Seeing a baby on the ultrasound cuts through all the rhetoric.
Big numbers of babies are set to be saved if we can URGENTLY get a portable ultrasound scanner

– so EVERY county in Ireland is immediately accessible SAME DAY if necessary, with a baby-saving ultrasound scanner. 

If we can get a brand new portable ultrasound scanner for our experienced counsellor Kate Meenagh,

we can cover ALL 32 COUNTIES...literally!

Same Day...if necessary!

We could save a baby in YOUR county - literally.

I REALLY need your help...

Please read on.

I can’t delay on a new ultrasound scanner any longer. Both of our scanners are old. One is badly in need of a service; the other is large and cumbersome. One of them was kindly lent to us by another agency.

It’s time to take the leap of faith!

Will you help me?

Just imagine the difference it will make!

One baby saved changes the world.You see, a new portable 4D scanner means Kate and Dr Rita can TRAVEL to a lady in crisis pregnancy. We don’t need to expect a lady to come to US!!!

Both Kate and Dr Rita are certified in ultrasound scanning.


Another lady a few weeks ago – totally intent on an abortion – on seeing her baby on the scan said:

"I am a reality person - seeing this baby, I cannot have an abortion."

She kept her baby – PRAISE GOD!

The beauty of a portable scanner is that

-   it’s lightweight,

-   can be put in the boot of a car

-   and go anywhere.

It’s like a movable baby-saving machine – literally!

Pro-abortion agencies DO NOT want a lady to see her baby in the womb. In performing scans, they TURN THE SCREEN AWAY so she cannot see!

How nefarious is that?

What’s more, they DON’T want pro-life agencies like ourselves using scanners – scanners are so successful!!!!

One day, baby Mary’s mother in crisis pregnancy
needed an ultrasound scan...fast.

Kate didn’t have a portable scanner to go directly and visit her,

...so we had to refer her to a local hospital...

Thankfully, she kept her baby Mary, but the outcome could have been different!

That was too close for comfort.
I turn to you for help...

1)   Prayer
Will you pray and ask the Lord to provide the total cost of such a priceless implement in saving babies lives?

A new modern 4D (4 dimensional) ultrasound scanner costs €36,000.

This fantastic 4 dimensional imagery equipment offers amazing, unprecedented detail of a baby in the womb. Thank God for modern technology!

2)   Donate
Will you prayerfully ask the Lord how much HE would like you to donate to the cost of this critical piece of life-saving equipment?

Will you donate an amount you are PROUD to sacrifice?
Donate here to help us save babies!

Whether it be €5,000 or €5, please send me what you know you can sacrifice.

I know that to some of our most loyal supporters €5 is a genuine sacrifice.

If that is YOU, and €5 is a real sacrifice – THANK YOU SO MUCH.

The Widow's mite is precious in God’s sight. It is precious. I am so grateful for the sacrifice.

Perhaps you are someone to whom €100, or €500 or €1,000 is a GENUINE sacrifice.

God knows your means.

If 360 people sent €100, we would have lift off!

Spread over 32 counties, €36,000 works out at €1,125 per county. Could YOU be someone who would sponsor YOUR COUNTY?

If ten people donated €3,600, the scanner could be up and running!

Please see this URGENT need as a REAL OPPORTUNITY for you to build the Kingdom of God.Even one baby saved changes the world.

Even if you have a standing order, or have donated recently, please do ask the Lord if HE would like you to assist on this occasion.

Whatever you can sacrifice, for this and all our Ask Majella work, know that I am praying God will repay you 100 fold.

Just think: 78% of women seeing their baby on ultrasound keep their baby.

This is a most potent way YOU can directly play a part in saving a baby. Along with our Google ads, YOU as a HLI Ireland supporter are really making a difference.

Thanks to YOUR help, our Google ads campaign has saved 24 babies since January...and counting!!!    GREAT NEWS.


Let’s shoot for even more!

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not stop your rosaries,

Masses and prayers for our fruitfulness and protection.

Yours sincerely,

Patrick McCrystal
Executive Director
Human Life International (Ireland)

PS Please do send a donation you are PROUD of towards this seriously effective portable ultrasound baby-saving machine.

Please join me in asking the Lord for His Providence in this matter.

Every blessing.

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