HPV Vaccine – Bishop’s comments welcomed by HLI Ireland
Patrick McCrystal, Executive Director of Human Life International has welcomed comments from Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan about the controversial HPV vaccine.
“Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan is thoroughly justified in questioning Gardasil,” stated McCrystal.
The fact that he happens to be a Catholic Leader has once again exposed hysterical ‘anti-Catholic’ sentiment in a bid to detract from the valid points that the Bishop is making,” He continued.
“Who benefits from shutting down debate in this instance? One has to question whether this is simply another attack on the Catholic voice in Ireland or if financial /ideological forces are at play?”
Former pharmacist, McCrystal commented, “Gardasil has seriously questionable efficacy and safety profiles (1). In fact, some research has shown that women who were vaccinated against HPV had a higher risk of developing non-vaccine strains of the virus.(2)”.
Much has been made of the Bishop making comments on a ‘medical issue’, but McCrystal declares that promotion of Gardasil strays into the moral arena.
“Promotion of the HPV vaccine hinges on the presupposition that youth will be sexually active,” he contended. “The Catholic Church teaches that every person is called to “chaste self-mastery” and that engaging in pre-marital sexual activity is gravely morally wrong and seriously jeopardises one’s eternal welfare.”
The Executive Director concluded with a call to the Government: “Given the serious questions over the effectiveness of the HPV vaccine, and well-publicized adverse reactions to it, we at HLI Ireland propose that public funds instead be channeled into much more effective chastity programmes for our young people.”
Patrick McCrystal
Executive Director
Human Life International Ireland
Tel: +353 87 2305709
Email: Email Patrick McCrystal