Johnnette speaking about
God's nature Johnnette speaking about
the New Age philosophies
***CDs and DVDs now available
Attendee Comments
Here are some of the comments we received:
"The conference was heavenly inspired by the Holy Spirit. It was my most wonderful experience ever and I have been to many conferences…" Nita.
"I was airlifted onto another realm!... A-M-A-Z-I-N-G"
“Johnnette is very much on top of her brief: a very commanding presence... humble... The best conference I've been at in recent times; I can't stop telling people about it!”
"Was a powerful weekend and lots of information…the Holy Spirit was very strong… Thank you to Johnnette and Human Life International for all." Fionnuala.

“"The weekend brought great healing and showed me what I, as a woman, should be!”
Great Healing
Friday’s retreat for 150 women was powerful and touching, as Johnnette led participants how to identify their wounds and bring them to Christ’s healing. Fr Philip Kemmy preached powerfully at the mass and led the Eucharistic healing service. Monsignor Joseph Quinn of Knock publicly welcomed Johnnette and retreatants.
Saturday's conference on authentic femininity was outstanding – one woman said to me she had never heard spoken in her whole life what she heard that day!
Dignity of Women
Johnnette spoke of how when woman and her dignity are raised up as GOD CREATED HER TO BE – the whole of humanity is raised up!
She spoke in depth of the utter sacredness of the marital act between husband and wife – and how it is profaned.
She explained how Satan’s strategy is to attack the woman first – just as in the Garden of Eden. The world around us tries to keep women down.

Monsignor Joseph P.P. Knock welcomes Johnnette and retreatants to HLI conference
We heard how the feminine is a masterpiece of God – how all women, married or single – are called to be ‘mother’ - actually or spiritually.
When women are real women – men are empowered to shoulder their part and be real men.
Johnnette reminded us of Pope John Paul II’s statement that believers – taking their faith seriously - cannot exclude the possibility of martyrdom from their own life's personal horizon - so radical is the truth of Catholic Church teaching on man's dignity.
Her book Full of Grace sold out at the weekend in a flash.

A Packed House at the Johnnette Benkovic Conference June 2011
Unmasking New Age
Johnnette spoke of the roots and fruits of the New Age Movement with wisdom and conviction. Reiki, yoga, tarot cards, reflexology, channelling and many more were directly addressed. How these are opposed to Catholicism was clearly outlined.
Never before in Ireland have I heard such clarity and insight on this subject.
Fr John Mockler ministered powerfully at the mass and conference with his insights and pastoral experience dealing with this issue.
One young lady, a reflexologist, was amazingly drawn to the conference not knowing what it was about and heard Johnnette speak a life-transforming message.

Fr Philip Kemmy during Eucharistic Healing service at Johnnette Benkovic conference
One HUGE fruit is now we in HLI (Ireland) can provide essential books and core information never before available on these subjects.
Of special mention is Johnnette’s own book The New Age Counterfeitand a 14 booklet set Learn to Discern series unmasking reiki, the occult, yoga, enneagram and other topics
Resources also available at the Guadalupe Centre in Knock, Co. Mayo - books, CDs and DVDs on these vital issues.
Seismic Shift
I believe we witnessed a seismic shift in the heavenly realms that weekend.
Ireland has never seen New Age practices addressed and unmasked in such a direct manner before.
From my experience that weekend, I believe we are being invited - without having fear - into the cosmic struggle with the serpent like never before – and we know Christ will win!
We venerated an authentic relic of St Patrick on the weekend - he who once routed the serpent from Ireland before!
The truth is getting out! Those who were there know what I mean! It was no coincidence, I believe, in God’s plan this weekend occurred at Knock, where Jesus, Mary, St. Joseph and St. John appeared in 1879.
Now we pray where we go from here.
THANK YOU to all of you who prayed and fasted for the conference!

Some of the hard-working HLI conference organising team
Women of Grace in Ireland
HLI (Ireland) is now teaming up with Women of Grace in Ireland.
A whopping 65 ladies signed up to act as facilitators of Johnnette’s DVD study course Women of Grace throughout Ireland. That is 27 counties represented! Will you join this flowering movement?
Women of Grace is a powerful eight session study course for small groups where ladies meet, watch a lecture by Johnnette on DVD, study scripture, the catechism and lives of women saints.
We are honoured that Johnnette asked HLI (Ireland) to be the point of contact for Women of Grace books and resources in Ireland.
Faciltators' Days
Will YOU come to the NEXT Women of Grace Facilitators information day in Knock on Saturday August 13th beginning with 11am mass in the Shrine?
The first one on July 12th drew 35 ladies from all over Ireland.
Call Therese on 089-4484026 for more details.
Please help us transform Ireland by transforming women through this fantastic study course.
Rally For Life
Bishop Seamas Hegarty attended the Rally For Life in Dublin Saturday 2nd July, 2011. This is the first time a Bishop has publicly attended such an event to my knowledge, so congratulations to him and also the organisers for such a powerful day.

Bishop Hegarty at Rally For Life with friends
I had the opportunity to ride atop one of the open-top buses, which afforded a great view of O’Connell Street full from top to bottom with flags, banners, music and vibrant participants, many of whom were young.
About 70 screaming pro-abortion sympathisers stood on O’Connell St. as we went past – many looking angry, hurt and in great need of God’s love. We must never cease praying for those hurt by the ‘culture of death’.
Our Lady profaned in U.C.C.
Whilst we raised up women’s dignity and Our Lady of Guadalupe in Knock, one week later Mexican artist Alma Lopez unveiled an insulting version of Our Lady of Guadalupe wearing a flower bikini.
University College Cork were the illustrious hosts!!
Our Lady asked in Fatima for reparation for insults against her images.
In response, we are organising PRAYER WALKS of REPARATION to Our Lady of Guadalupe. Continue reading..
Arklow / Cork Prayer WALKS of Reparation
On Saturday 3rd September (First Saturday) we are having a day of Prayerful Witness in CORK.
8:45am Assemble for Rosary at University College Cork, Western Rd, (UCC) with Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
9:15am Rosary Prayer walk with Image.
10:30am Mass in the Franciscan Church, Liberty Street.
11:15am Rosary outside family planning abortion referral centre, Tuckey Street.
12pm Rosary in Daunt Square. 3pm Rosary Prayer Vigil outside U.C.C.

HLI Walk in Arklow 2010
On Sunday 11th September in Arklow, Co. Wicklow – Our Second walk in Arklow…
3-4pm Adoration in Parish Church, Main Street.
4-5pm Prayer Walk of Reparation, Main Street, Arklow.
5:30pm Talk and refreshments in Royal Hotel.
We will lift up Our Lady of Guadalupe and ask her to shower her blessings and graces on Cork and Arklow!
Would you like us to bring Our Lady of Guadalupe in prayerful Reparation to YOUR town. Contact us here
Consecration to St. Joseph
Now located in Knock, HLI (Ireland) had its first formal consecration to St. Joseph, who was an inherent part of the Knock apparition.
I am certain this mighty champion of Heaven has joined our side in our work.
At the mass celebrated by Fr Phoncie Cullinan, everyone formally recited publicly a consecration prayer to St Joseph – including our directors, staff, volunteers, benefactors and supporters, living and deceased.
HLI (Ireland) invited to Clonmacnoise Festival
My wife, colleagues and I have received the privilege of being again invited to give a workshop at Youth 2000’s festival in Clonmacnoise August 6th.
The theme of this year's event is the beauty of marriage, family, chastity and contraception’s destructive effects.
Please pray that this privilege to proclaim God’s wonderful truth bears much fruit.
Last month, my wife, children and I were invited to speak at the National Eucharistic congress in Knock on children’s adoration.
Apartment in Knock
You are invited to avail of our beautiful apartment in Knock, “St Joseph’s Rest,” made possible by the generosity of some benefactors.
This apartment, which is above the Guadalupe Centre - we have had for some months and used it for meetings, training, prayer evenings, women of grace meetings, hospitability and having families who ordinarily couldn’t afford to say in Knock to do so.
It is also available an expression of appreciation to our benefactors.
Those availing of it are free to leave a donation towards our work. Call 089-4484026 for availability dates.
I am hoping that maintaining the apartment will prove to be viable on a longer term basis.
March For Life 2012
Will you join me at the annual March For Life in Washington D.C. on Monday 23rd January 2012?
I attended in 2010 and what a mighty experience it was with 300,000 pro-life people marching on Capitol Hill.

Patrick carries HLI banner in Washington 2010
An eye-opening experience that will give you a bigger perspective on the universal struggle we are engaged in.
Please contact us if you would like more information.
For your donation of €35 / £30 or more to our pro-life, pro-family work, we will send you a complimentary eye-opening book that reveals a whole new perspective on the impact of how we dress.
Dressing with Dignity by Colleen Hammond – a book highly relevant to both men and women – champions the call back to dressing with dignity, respect and for the good of others.

Dressing with Dignity
Colleen - former beauty queen, actress, media reporter and Catholic image consultant reveals:
• How a woman’s dress powerfully affects a man’s attitude towards her.
• Why there has been a sudden, rapid decline in fashions this last 100 years.
• How modern day fashions assault a woman’s femininity.
• The beauty and dignity of our bodies and how they deserve to be properly adorned.
• How the way we dress goes back to the Garden of Eden.
• How to dress in a way that honours God and neighbour.
• The forces behind modern-day corruption of dress.
• Freemasonry’s plan to corrupt Catholicism by spread of immodest, impure dress.
Addressing parent’s concerns about daughters lack of modest, dignified dress, the author outlines:
• How to talk to teenagers about the dignity of femininity and dressing with modesty.
• How to awaken chivalry in men and be treated as a woman should.
• How the Church, the Popes, Our Lady in Fatima and the Saints have warned about the degradation of fashions.
• Specific statements from the Popes.
An intriguing book very worth passing on to your daughters, aunts, mothers and friends.
Our gift to you for your donation of €35 / £30 towards our pro-life, pro-family work.