National Pro-Life Report August 2015
• Meeting with Zachery King - former High Wizard
• CALL 2 prolife/catholic training course Sep2015
• Pro-life leaders’ meeting in Rome, Italy
• New ultrasound scanner saves first baby
• Camp Veritas comes to Ireland
• Lough Derg pilgrimage in reparation for national apostasy
• Volunteers needed for our Knock centres
• Men’s Climb 2015
• Home Education Day
• The Divine Favors Granted to St. Joseph book offer
Dear faithful HLI Ireland supporter,
The battle for the soul of Ireland is in full swing! Fence-sitting is not an option – it’s time to take up the challenge and fight for the Gospel. The lives of the unborn and our families are under threat as never before.
The impressionable minds of our young children are being targeted for indoctrination with politically correctness. We urgently need new shoots of evangelisation in the country. Serious repentance and atonement necessary. Read on...

Catholic Activist Training School
We are delighted to be hosting a follow on Catholic Activists’ Training Course September 10th-13th. This 3 day course will also encompass pro-life activism.
We have two outstanding speakers; Fr Shenan Boquet whose enthusiasm for the faith and for truth knows no bounds. Brian Clowes is a fountain of knowledge on all things prolife. He is the author of several books, the Facts of Life being the most notable. Read about this further on...
First baby saved using new Scanner
Praise God!!! Our new ultrasound scanner has ALREADY saved its FIRST BABY!!
Our Ask Majella counsellor Kate Meenagh demonstrates the use of the ultrasound scanner. Due to its portable nature, Kate can bring the scanner with her when visiting young women all over the country. This is akin to a modern day equivalent of Our Lady bringing Jesus to pregnant women in need.
This life-saving work is only possible by your generous financial support and faithful prayer.
One young woman gives her testimony:
“It was clear that he didn’t want me or the baby. I had given this man everything and when I was vulnerable he didn’t want me. I was left alone, miles away from family and friends, and in the darkest place of my life, alone unsure, frightened, shaking, ill and so lost. I knew I had to terminate the pregnancy as I could not be a single Mum, nor did I have anyone to talk to...
...I picked up my phone and saw a number and called it at 12 pm that evening. An angel answered it, with a soft voice. I had a friend, a stranger called Kate who was there for me. I was no longer alone.”
Our counsellors are trained in and addressing: morning after pill issues, intra-uterine devices, family planning, chastity/waiting for marriage counselling, natural family planning and post-abortion counselling
Lord willing, more babies will be spared this year. THANK YOU so much to all our supporters who made this happen! We ask you to keep our dedicated pregnancy counsellors Dr. Rita, Kate and volunteers in your daily prayers. Please take a visit to our Ask Majella website:
Assisting at Camp Veritas
I spent a week at Camp Veritas which is a Catholic sports camp for 12-17 year olds.
It was a truly spirit-filled time. Huge emphasis on sport during the day and prayer, sacraments and talks in evening when the young were all calmed down and receptive!
There were talks on the Eucharist, Our Lady, confession, the Holy Spirit, chastity and how to respect one-self and others. Confession was available throughout. An inspired movement, with plans to come back next year.
Former Wizard reveals insights
I had a most interesting encounter recently with a former High Wizard Zachary King. He described his amazing journey back to Christ and the Church.
He recalls how he was given a miraculous medal by a lady. Probably just to humour her he took it but little did he know about the spiritual power of this little blessed item. He recounts how he was somehow mystically transported away to a place where a woman revealed all his sins to him – all the abortions he was involved in and the churches he broke up. He described how those in the occult claim every abortion to perpetuate their occultic powers.
He revealed that abortion is a form of modern day human sacrifice. Zachary King’s website is
HLI (Ireland) in Rome for pro-life meeting
Recently I attended a meeting of the leaders of the world’s major pro-life organisations in Rome, Italy. U.S. Cardinal Raymond Burke and Australian Cardinal George Pell were the major religious figures in attendance and they gave addresses. There was an essential sharing of good ideas and strategies.
Home Education Day
On our request, Mike Donnelly of the Home School Legal Defence Association gave two talks at a Home School Education Day. Home education is a key way forward for protecting our beautiful youth. For more information about the work of the HSLDA visit
Guadalupe Centre & the Cloak needs YOU
We are looking for volunteers who will help us cover the busy summer period especially around the month of August. We would be delighted to hear from you on 094-9375993.
Small household items are always sought after. We accept religious books, rosary beads, small statues as well as good quality clothes and accessories.
Pilgrimage of Atonement to Lough Derg
In atonement for what was essentially a national apostacy through the recent “marriage” referendum, seven plucky supporters made the Lough Derg pilgrimage.
It brought home just how much reparation is required by the faithful. Ireland has strayed from the path of righteousness and godliness.
Will you join us 17-19th June 2016 next year to Lough Derg? Why not put it in your diary?
Great News! Girl freed from same-sex lifestyle
In response to a request from a distressed mother whose daughter was caught up in the lesbian lifestyle, we asked the 500 people on our monthly fast rota supporters to especially fast for a young lady who we called Mary that she be freed from a same-sex lifestyle.
In addition, our supporters undertook to recite a nine day novena of Memorare prayers and we had 100 Masses offered for her during the same nine days – about 11 Masses per day.
Last week her mother called to share the great news that Mary had visited her parents’ home for the first time in five years and had left the same sex lifestyle!!
Praise God!
Prolife and Catholic Activists Training Retreat
From September 10-13th HLI Ireland is holding a Pro-life and Catholic Activists Training Retreat in the Legionaries of Christ centre in Leopardstown, Dublin. Accommodation details to be confirmed.
HLI global President Fr. Shenan Boquet and acclaimed researcher Dr. Brian Clowes will lead the retreat. I warmly invite you. Young people 18+ are especially welcome! If you know of any young people who you believe will benefit please do not hesitate to contact the office. Some sponsorship is available.
Download and print out your application form Read More here
Date for your diary 10-13th September!!!
Men’s Climb 2015
Inviting all gentlemen to join our annual Men’s climb of reparation to the summit of Croagh Patrick Saturday 22nd August 2015; meeting at the carpark at the base at 10.30am followed by rosary at 10:40am.
We will begin climbing at around 11am. At the top we will have Mass. After our descent there will be food provided at the bottom. We had a great day last year. Call us on 094 9375993 for more details.
Annual HLI Ireland Knock Pilgrimage.
Our sixth annual Knock Shrine takes place on Saturday October 3rd 2015. This year we are focussing on consecrating our families to Our Lady! Last year we organised buses from all over Ireland to gather people to Knock. Will you help us fill a bus from YOUR local area?
Supporter Runs for AskMajella
Patrick McCrystal with supporter Patricia Cunningham, who ran the Women’s Mini-marathon in June in support of Ask Majella pregnancy counselling work. Here Patrick receives the proceeds raised, and in return presents Patricia with a gift.
PS For your donation of €35 / £30 or more, I will be happy to send you the wonderfully inspiring book “Divine Favors Granted St Joseph”. Jam-packed into this neat pocket-sized book you will discover:
• How St. Joseph was chosen by God for the incomparable vocation of being spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and foster father of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
• How St. Joseph received magnificent divine graces and favours not granted even to the Old Testament Patriarchs.
• How he was known as the most humble of men.
• How St. Joseph received from Almighty God the authority to command both Our Lady and the Son of God Himself;
• How in Heaven he continues to have great intercessory power with God.
• Why praying to St. Joseph is highly meritorious.
About the Author Father Père Binet, S.J., was a Jesuit priest and twentieth century author. His concise work “The Divine Favors Granted to St. Joseph” presents St. Joseph as highly exalted in the Communion of Saints, explaining the saint's patronage and the value of praying to him. Father Binet's book, translated by M.C.E., was originally published in 1973 through Marian Publications, Indiana. It was later copyrighted by TAN Books in 1983.
“The Divine Favors Granted to St. Joseph” - my gift to you for your gift of €35 / £30 towards our pro-life, Catholic based apostolate.