National Pro-Life Report
February 2012
• Evils of Children's Rights Referendum
• Super Family Conference Green Isle Hotel
• Holy Face Novena for Shrove Tuesday
• Rosary Campaign for the pro-life movement
• Johnnette Benkovic Summer 2012
• Your practical help to volunteer
•Three soul stirring booklets for Lent
Dear Friend of HLI (Ireland),
I can't stand by and do nothing!
You may already have seen our full page ad exposing the evils of the so-called Children's "rights" movement in Ireland on rear of the Alive! newspaper this month.
In this ad, I have gone public on the horrendous threat this profoundly dangerous ideology represents.
The evils inherent in the so-called United Nations Convention on Rights of the Child have bothered me for years.
It is seeking to wrest utter control from parents and allow State takeover of any child – forced if necessary - at a whim.
This applies to any child, not just a neglected child.
Parents seem to be utterly oblivious!
I have been watching this deeply insidious movement in Ireland for some time.
Representatives from Barnardos, the ISPCC and others have been aggressively campaigning for a referendum. These groups have received millions of tax-payers money and would be set to receive a lot more if a referendum were passed.
Changes to our Constitution are necessary to enact this legislation.
However, such groups haven't been telling the Irish public the whole story.
A Global Movement
This U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) has been signed up to by every country of the world except two: the U.S.A. and Somalia.
It is the most widely signed-up to piece of legislation in the world.
Ireland signed up to it and ratified it in 1992, without even consulting the people!
Disturbingly, this U.N. convention is in severe conflict with the Irish Constitution! Any country that ratifies it is legally bound to implement all its provisions.
It grants MASSIVE power to the State over the lives of private citizens.
What's wrong with it?
Under this UNCRC, the State decides what is in the "best interest" of the child, not the parent. If a parent is deemed to in any way subject a child to even "mental" abuse, let alone any other, or a child is deemed to be "discriminated" against, then that child can be removed from its parents.
Article 2 of the UNCRC indicates that irrespective of the parent's religion, political or other opinion, the State must ensure each child doesn't endure what it deems "discrimination" of any kind.
What about a Catholic parent teaching the Church's teaching on homosexual practice? Such a parent would be deemed to be "discriminating" against their child.
What if a parent didn't wish the child to have information on contraception, access to paedophilic "chat" internet rooms or other information? Or wished to restrict who their child associated with if concerned about bad influences.
Such parental restrictions would be "discrimination". The parent's wishes would be over-ridden, as the child would have "freedom of association" as well as the "freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds regardless of frontiers"! (article 13)
"Protect" children from parents
Unbelievably, article 2 states that children should be "protected" from "discrimination" or "punishment" arising from their parents beliefs, opinions or activities. What about a parent refusing to cater to the whim of a child? What about a child needing disciplined? What about a parent wanting to teach the ten commandments?
In Sweden, children are often in open conflict with their parents if the child's wishes are not catered for.
Full provision is made in the UNCRC for removal of children from any parent in the "best interest" of the child – should the State see fit! (articles 19, 20)
It is a formula for sheer societal anarchy – with those espousing Catholicism / Christian principles one of the principal losers!
Who will decide?
The phrase "Children's rights" is a deceptive faqade. It is not really about "rights" for the child. It is about who will decide – the State or the parent?
Not only that, but based on the most recent released wording from our government for a possible referendum, all powers in this respect will be remove from the courts and placed exclusively into the hands of the Oireachtas!
Parents would then have no recourse to the Courts, as all power would rest with the Oireachtas!
Atheistic Communism
Please realise I am NOT exaggerating anything.
One Swedish international human rights lawyer tells me that the situation there is awful. It is one of "unspeakable tyranny" for parents, particularly for who wish to rear their children to Christian principles.
Thousands of children have been taken into care. This lawyer told me Sweden is essentially a Communist State, with State takeover of children.
Parents are being reported on by their children, children are being put into care and/or parents face imprisonment if they do not comply.
Novena to the Holy Face of Jesus

As this monstrous attempted power grab by the State draws closer, amongst many responses, we must turn to God.
This thing is simply too big to be dealt with on a human level. On this day, will you begin the novena to the Holy Face of Jesus? Shrove Tuesday is Feast of the HOLY FACE!
Please start it even if it arrives after 12th Feb, when the novena officially begins.
The Holy Face devotion was revealed to Sister Mary of St Peter to precisely counteract Atheistic Communism.
Heaven surely knew what was coming upon the world under the guise of atheistic communism. In 1937, Pope Pius XI released his encyclical Divini Redemptoris, when he described the attack of atheistic communism on the world and what can be done about it.
Let's pray for the downfall of the Children's Referendum / legislation! Let's seek God's Face in a special way on Shrove Tuesday and indeed the rest of Lent. God's power can do it!
Family Conference Par Excellence
Come to our excellent family conference in Green Isle Hotel, Dublin on Sunday 11th March 2012!
In response to this threat of "children's rights – and also in celebration of 30th anniversary of Pope John Paul 11's encyclical Familiaris Consortio (On the Role of the Modem family in the Modern World) - we are co-sponsoring an exciting conference "Where is the Catholic family going in the Modern World?"
Teaming up with European Life Network and National Association of Catholic Families, we are delighted to have an excellent line-up of articulate speakers.
Kathy Sinnott, and social scientist from the Family Research Council Patrick Fagan, Dr Phil Boyle, Dr Tom Ward and others will enlighten and inspire us on the truth and beauty of God's plan for family and equip us with the tools to robustly fight in defence of the family.
It is important to meet regularly and be refreshed in the truths of what we believe in and catch up with what your old acquaintances are up to.
Put it in your diary.
Click here for more information.
The Lamb will Conquer Rosary Campaign
Be sure to return your rosary cards at the end of each month! The Rosary is THE Weapon!
We are seeking the Triumph of the Lamb in Ireland and the world.
The more you labour with the Lamb in prayer now on earth, the more glory you will share with him on the day of His Triumph!
All the rosary cards will be presented to the Lamb of God at a special Mass at Knock Shrine at the end of the year.
Return your rosary cards and we will enter you into our FREE draw for Dinner and B&B at Knock House Hotel. Winner will be notified.
Johnnette Benkovic returning to Ireland!
We are delighted to confirm that Johnnette Benkovic is due to return to Ireland between 20 July to 6th August.
Provisional dates for your diary are:
• Women's retreat 20th—22nd July
• All-Ireland speaking tour 23rd—27th July
• 6 days of miscellaneous conferences and themes from 30th July — 6th August.
Please keep this fantastic grace for Ireland in your prayers and fasting.
Firmer dates and venues will be confirmed.
Spread the word amongst your friends. Order Johnnette's CDs and DVDs now available in beautiful triple pack presentation boxes.
A great way to refresh your memory on her fantastic talks last year and to pass onto your friends. Give them to someone you would like to invite this coming Summer.
Your Skills needed for the pro-life cause!
Do you have skills to contribute to the Catholic, pro-life, pro-family cause in Ireland?
Have you time to spend in adoration, rosary and other devotion for fruitfulness of the Catholic pro-life cause?
Do you have skills in marketing, PR, computers, internet technology, websites, e-marketing, event planning, desktop publishing, fund-raising, volunteer coordination? Have you skills in office management, secretarial, P.A., administration or telephone?
Could you help us practically a few hours a month in Knock at the Guadalupe Centre? Would you coordinate an adoration rota for us to cover every hour of the working day?
Would you run a local HLI (Ireland) group? Could you coordinate a number of such groups? Would you host an evening for us in your local area?
Are you good with people? Do you have a burning desire to see the Catholic pro-life cause proclaimed to the "ends-of-the-earth?" Have you a desire to spread prayer? I'd like to hear from you.
Are you good at motivating people to serve a higher cause? What about taking on a specific project and seeing it through to the end? Want to help see our youth being reached with the truth?
Have you experience in law, healthcare or teaching professions? Indicate your interest on the enclosed reply form.
Are you good at research, writing and scanning the news? Interested in doing press releases, or speak on radio for the Catholic cause? Then I'd like to hear from you.
Almost anyone of any age and skill level has something to contribute to the catholic pro-life, pro-family cause.
Mark your interest on the enclosed reply form and we will be in touch.
Every Blessing,
Patrick McCrystal HLI (Ireland)
PS Want to live a more devout Lent this year?
Want to swiftly advance in holiness?
For your donation of €35 / £30 or more to our pro-life, pro-family apostolate, I am DELIGHTED to send you three fantastic booklets that will transform your life and truly greatly enhance your LENTEN devotion.
The booklets "Devotion to the Precious Blood", the "Wonders of the Holy Name" and the "Devotion to the Holy Face" outline the merits and treasures of these three great devotions of the Church!
In these three pocket-size booklets, discover the powerful basis why these three infinitely powerful devotions are so endorsed by the Church.
You will see:
• The powerful merits of contemplating Christ's wounds and sufferings.
• How to prevent mortal sins being committed on the earth.
• How we can greatly accentuate the power of the Masses we attend.
• How we can so easily release thousands souls in purgatory, reaping enormous eternal benefits for ourselves.
• The amazing power of the Name of Jesus to ask for all we need!
• How to send the devil fleeing!
• How to obtain the grace of a Happy death.
• How to be preserved from evil, strengthened against fears and doubt and much, much more...
Read these soul-stirring booklets slowly and you will thank God for the rest of your life!
A treasure chest almost literally undiscovered before our eyes!
With approved litanies, meditations and invocations to the Precious Blood, the Holy Name and the Holy Face.
Super handy to fit into your bag or coat.
My gift to you for your donation of €35 / £30 towards our pro-life, pro-family work.
Use the FREEPOST envelope enclosed. Thank you.