National Pro-Life Report February 2014
Dear Friend of Human Life International (Ireland),
Can you believe it?
The U.N. Convention on Rights of the Child has told the Vatican it should change its teaching on abortion, homosexuality and contraception.
The committee launched its attack, described as “absurd” by John Smeaton of S.P.U.C., in a report on the Church’s alleged failure to properly address “child abuse”.
The comments are seen to widely overstep the U.N. Committee’s brief, and blatantly ignore the Vatican’s real action and statements in addressing the matter of abuse.
Fr Shenan Boquet, worldwide President of HLI, raised the idea that this may be a possible prelude to a wider persecution of the Church.
Whether this is true or not, be assured Christ has the Victory.
Down through history, the Catholic Church has been frequently confronted by temporal powers, seeking to curtail its Divinely mandated teaching. Through thick and thin, the Church has remained standing while temporal powers pass on.
In the face of grossly abusive and insulting comment from gay/lesbian proponents towards promoters of traditional marriage in Ireland, be assured, Christ has the victory.
In the face of abortion legislation in Ireland, be assured Christ has the victory.
In the face of spittle and sexual molestation of young Catholic men defending a Catholic Cathedral in Brazil last month by thousands of semi-naked chanting pro-abortion feminists, Christ has the Victory.
Pope John Paul II told us: of the "final confrontation" between the Church and the "anti-church."
We each have our part to play. 365 times in the bible it states "DO NOT BE AFRAID" - one for every day of the year.

Our Lady of Fatima has told us:
"In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph"
Fervent, deep personal and communal prayer is pivotal... for courage, humility, final perseverance. Let us pray and work together.
Your intentions are especially lifted up in several Masses monthly for benefactors of HLI (Ireland).
Will Catholic Truth be silenced?
The last few weeks have seen a blatant attempt to silence proponents of traditional marriage.
It certainly appears that “gay” elements wish to destroy any reasonable debate.

What implications does this hold for the wider Catholic community? From a Catholic perspective, the only people with a moral right, before God, to have sexual intercourse is husband and wife, in life-long marriage.
The beautiful gift of sexuality is exclusively created for the unity of husband and wife and the procreation of children.
The Church is dedicated, even compelled to unstintingly proclaim the message of love, the message of Christ.
CATECHISM ON HOMOSEXUALITY: {Those with homosexual tendencies} … must be accepted with respect, compassion and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. Homosexual persons are called to chastity.” “Tradition has always declared that homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered... Under no circumstances can they be approved. CCC n 2357-2359
~~It is inconceivable the Church will alter or water down her message.
She is divinely mandated by Christ to “humbly but gently proclaim the entire moral law” (Humanae Vitae)
Attempted bullying and silencing may possibly effect some sort of temporary delay but truth has a way of winning out in the end.
As the Catechism teaches, whilst persons struggling with homosexual tendencies: "must be treated with respect, compassion and sensitivity,"... "under no circumstances can (homosexual acts) be approved" (CCC 2357—2358)
Some folks struggling with homosexual tendencies bravely seek to uphold and live out the Church’s teaching.
See See also:
Leaving God out of the pro-life fight?
Some international pro-life figures recently called for pro-lifers to do pro-life work without reference to God.
But if abortion is a spiritual fight, surely we cant afford to leave out God?
Did we not leave God largely out of the pro-life fight in Ireland?
At the large pro-life rally in Merrion Square last year, many demonstrators were forbidden to use religious pictures. They either had to leave them aside and hold the “approved” non-religious imagery, or not join the rally.

A few hundred chose to pray at rear outside the main rally.
Speakers at the pro-life rallies were told not to speak in religious terms before they gave their address.
For years, T.V. and radio debates were largely conducted at a rational, secular, “human rights” level.
Valid as the “human rights” argument is, without addressing the contraceptive roots of abortion, and done without reference to God’s plan, an abortion-only strategy is ultimately destined to fail.
The government tossed aside all reasoned argument and has now legislated one of the most irrational , far-reaching abortion laws in the world.
WE MUST repair the BREACH.
Repairing the breach...

on Shrove Tuesday (Feast of Holy Face)
Join us in Waterford for MASS in reparation to Holy Face of Jesus in Ignatius Rice centre, Waterford city, Tuesday 4th March at 4pm for Mass, devotions and tea / coffee afterwards.
After Mass to be offered in honour of Jesus’s Holy Face, we will venerate the Vatican-stamped relic of the Holy Face.
It is vital we now “REPAIR THE BREACH” and make repentance and atonement for the appalling legislation of abortion and the assault on marriage by “gay marriage” proponents and other attacks on the Gospel.
It is time to truly turn to God.

The Holy face devotion is a heaven-revealed remedy for the ills of our times. Thoroughly Vatican approved, Jesus revealed devotion to his Face is a major remedy to the effects of atheistic communism. Cursory nods in God’s direction are not enough. Deep repentance and a renewed proclamation of the Gospel by Church and laity, with deep catechesis, is the only realistic way out of this mess.
A GREAT WAY TO Prepare for Lent!!! Holy Face novena runs from 24th Feb - 4th March.
Pray daily the Golden Arrow prayer card enclosed.
See City Hotel ARMAGH details for Sat. 17th May also.

Johnnette Benkovic - Proclaiming the beauty of Catholicism
Johnnette Benkovic returns again with a block-busting message for you brimming with hope, the majesty of Woman and the beauty of Catholicism.

Visiting Northern Ireland, Dublin and Knock from March 27th to April 1st, this momentous visit is the next step in our work to strengthen and restore the Catholic Faith in Ireland.
In the Drummond Hotel, Ballykelly, Co, Derry, 27th March, Johnnette will share - from her global ministry - her insights on the signs of the times, where God is in the world and the coming Triumph, harking to Our Lady’s promise “In the end, my Immaculate heart will triumph”
In the face of the global struggle of truth and falsehood, Johnnette will expose in a new way at Knock Shrine the practices of the New Age movement on Sat. 29th March, addressing in particular the realities of the spirit world, what to avoid and what is truly of God.
The Majesty of Woman in the Divine design and Your role in the coming triumph are the themes of the one-day Woman’s retreat in Knock 30th March.
For More Information and How To Register - Click Here!
My Complimentary Book to You!
For your donation of €40 or more to our pro-life Catholic apostolate, I am delighted to send you this provoking and brilliant book “Courtship and Marriage—How to prepare for Life-long Love” by Fr. John A. O’Brien.
A great book for just about absolutely anyone– parents, grandparents, teenagers, single, engaged, God-parents—anyone who knows or has a young person in their life or who is interested in strengthening marriage.
A courageous book brimming with practical time-tested tips in how to cultivate true love, preserve chastity in courtship and choosing a suitable spouse. Brilliant for equipping parents give proper advice to their youth. Pass on to a suitable young person in your life.
Dealing with purity, passion and do’s and don'ts of dating, this refreshing book is grounded in practical common sense and truth.
Would absolutely guarantee happier marriages and drastically lower breakup / divorce rates if every young person aspiring to marriage read this book.
My gift to you for your donation of €40 or more towards our pro-life, pro-family Catholic apostolate. Every Blessing Patrick McCrystal, Executive Director
My Complimentary Book to You!
THANK YOU: donations received Anon. €100, Anon € 20 €600 VMC
ALL donations greatly appreciated.
ALL benefactors lifted up in several Masses per month.
In brief: Thanks to you our supporters’ generosity:
From our national pharmacy mailing , we had 39 survey forms returned.. ALL pharmacies which returned forms dispensed contraceptive abortifacients. Two pharmacies (Dublin and Wexford) did not dispense “morning-after” pill. Seven indicated willingness to explore matter further. An in-depth analysis to follow!

Dates for Your Diary
Holy Face Mass, Waterford, Tuesday 4th March, Ignatius Rice centre 3pm followed by devotions, tea/coffee.
Holy Face Novena 24 Feb—4th March 2014
Johnnette Benkovic in Ireland 27th March - 1st April.
Repairing the Breach. Marriage and St. Joseph. Armagh City Hotel Sat. 17th May 11am – 2pm.
Return your rosary slips!!! Be part of the FREE draw.
Defend Marriage every day of the month! If you’ve forgotten, backdate the days you have prayed the rosary whilst remembering the intention for defending true Catholic marriage
Return your rosary slips end of each month. All participants lifted up in special MASS.
Order 20, 50, 100 more calendars for your parish, family, friends

Quote from the Pope:
“Every child that isn’t born, but is unjustly condemned to be aborted, has the face of Jesus Christ, has the face of the Lord,” Pope Francis