National Pro-Life Report Rep134
October 2011
• Ugly Face of Atheistic communism in Ireland
• Holy Face of Jesus Devotion - New Wave launched!
• Presidential Campaign hots up!
• Johnnette Benkovic to Return to Ireland
• The importance of fasting
• Our Lady of Guadalupe Raised up in Cork and Arklow
• Buncrana for next Guadalupe Prayer Walk
• HLI (Ireland's) First National Pilgrimage to Knock
• Ask Majella Limerick - New Official Opening
• Renewal of Mass Commitments
• The Three Marks of Manhood – New book
Dear Friend of HLI (Ireland),
We live in an Ireland where
- most of our TDs and Ministers have apostatised.
- the government-sponsored HSE is advancing an explicit pro-contraception message to our youth,
- the innocence of children is bing violated by the false equality propaganda of the homosexual movement,
- the State is seeking to wrest further control from parents through an upcoming "children's rights" referendum,
- the vast majority of Irish Catholic adults are woefully under-cathecised and incapable of critical analysis of moral issues and thus vulnerable to minupulation by powers of current thought in the media,
- the child abuse scandals have been seized upon by anti-Church elements to beat the Church with a club...
and things look set to get worse!
All these things are in one way or another linked to a manifestation of advancing atheistic communism.
PRECISELY this is what the HOLY FACE OF JESUS devotion was revealed to COUNTERACT
Let God's enemies flee before his Face
Under inspiration, St. Marie of St. Peter composed a chaplet to battle against communism - which prays that:
- God's enemies be scattered
- they FLEE before His Face
- their plans be overthrown
- they be split up by disagreements
- their godlessness be stamped out
- division in their camp
Will you Join me?
I ask you to join me from today onwards in a new wave of prayer - praying these chaplet prayers for our country.
These past 18 months we have distributed 40,000 of these booklets!!! Thank God!
Things have deteriorated so badly now that we literally need the intervention of God.
Heaven expressly revealed this devotion for a time such as this! If heaven thinks it's important then we can be sure such a devotion is important!
This particular chaplet is what I am asking you to pray every day. The other prayers are optional, with special graces for their recitation on Tuesdays - as revealed on page 5 of the booklet.
Great graces are associated with the Blessed Holy Face of Jesus medal - endorsed by several Popes.
***Order your COMPLIMENTARY Holy Face blessed medal and/or order more Holy Face booklets by clicking here Donation only basis.
Presidential Election Hots up!
As someone wrote recently, for a country consecrated to the Most Blessed Trinity, Ireland is in a sorry state if most of the Presidential candiates is the best Ireland can muster!
The role of the President is to uphold the Constitution. Which of the seven would do the best in this task? To me the answer is clear.
Already, things are getting dirty. The recent Late Late Show profiling the seven candidates manifested attacks on the Catholic faith and open rebellion against the teachings of the Gospel.
For a person to profess being Roman Catholic and then oppose Catholic Church teaching is a blatant contradiction. As Catholics we need to vote for someone we can trust.
Scripture tells us fasting is so powerful, it can acheive results that prayer alone cannot achieve.
Please join me in fasting ONE day between now and the result of the Presidential Election.
Even after Election day on October 27th no prayer or fasting is lost.
Let us fast and pray that the candidate who will uphold the truth, uphold just legislative laws and the dignity of life from conception will be elected.
Let us ask God that any candidate who opposes the Gospel and its teachings will not be elected.
Will you join me!
I have already written to 700 pople on our pro-life fasting rota who are fasting one day before the election.
Please contact us here for further information or if you would like to join the fast rota.
Furthermore, please include this Presidential Election in praying the prayers to the Holy Face of Jesus every day that the enemies of God would be scattered and that they will FLEE BEFORE HIS FACE!
Our Lady of Guadalupe in Cork
It was our honour to travel to Cork on 3rd September and raise up the Our Lady of Guadalupe Image.
This effort was in reparation to Our Lady for the blasphemous image displayed at University College Cork last June.
In Cork before processing through the streets and onto the university gates our Mass was con-celebrated by the Franciscan Priests of Liberty Street, attended by 200 people.
It was clear that Cork people felt strongly about the insult to Our Lady, and several thanked us for giving them the opportunity to do something positive after their disgust at what happened.
Fr. Eugene the prior warmly welcomed us, and with his con-celebrant blessed our specially commissioned image of our Lady of Guadalupe.
Then after a rosary we processed through the streets to Daunt Square, where we joined local prayer stalwarts in their regular saturday rosary vigil, before moving on to the gates of UCC.
It is interesting that at Lourdes, Our Lady asked for a procession. In a way our prayer walks and vigils are in keeping with her request.
At the gates of U.C.C. about forty brave souls, joined by the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal prayed three rosaries in reparation, viewed with wonderment by the students that emerged from U.C.C.
We prayed for the converson of artist Alma Lopez who instigated the blasphemous image, for all at U.C.C. who facilitated and indeed for our own conversion.
We believe and trust our efforts were pleasing to the Mother of God.
Arklow Procession
Having been invited by local supporters, we travelled to Arklow one week later for another successful procession this time down Arklow's main street.
Thanks to the accompaniment of the local Garda, everything passed off peacefully, and the rosary was proclaimed around streets where perhaps, it had not been for a very long time.
Arklow has been targetted by New Age influence, with at least four New Age shops in a relatively small town.
I couldn't help thinking what has Arklow done so well that has merited it being targeted in such a way?
As with all our processions, we ask Our Lady's blessings on the town in which we process, as well as on the whole country - invoking her intercession for reprentance and renewal
Many thanks to Christina Doyle and her trusty band of stalwarts for helping this effort come off so well.
Next Stop - Buncrana
November 5th is our next First Saturday prayer walk beginning with Mass in Buncrana Chapel at 2pm.
There, we plan to process down the Main Street, reciting the rosary and calling Our Lady's blessing upon the town, the whole of County Donegal and the nation. At time of printing, we are awaiting Garda permission. Call our office before the date to find out if we are still proceeeding. Will You join us?
Johnnette Benkovic to return to Ireland
Johnnette Benkovic's Women of Grace programme in Ireland - sponsored by HLI (Ireland) - is spreading across Ireland, with over 20 ladies so far signed up as facilitators and several starting groups this month.
My wife Therese and a few others from Ireland travelled to Johnnette's national conference in Florida last month and they had a truly inspiring time.
In short Johnnette has indicated her willingness to come back to Ireland next summer to travel within the country and speak at an international conference that we will host. More details to follow.
Please keep this very much in your fasting and prayers!!! We saw what happened last June. See our Women of Grace website.
HLI Ireland's First Annnual Pilgrimage to Knock
Before we could give our supporters proper notification - at short notice HLI (Ireland) was blessed to be given a date - the first Saturday of October each year - on the official Knock Shrine pilgrimage calendar.
Myself and a small representative group of volunteers and supporters lifted up YOU our benefactors, supporters and friends - as well as all our work, projects and volunteers - at our first official annual Mass in the Basilica.
Many thanks to Monsignor Joseph Quinn P.P. who so warmly facilitated us.
Put it in your diary for next year!
ASK Majella official opening Limerick
We are delighted to announce the official opening Mass and blessing of our new ASK Majella Pregnancy Counselling offices at 6 The Crescent, Limerick is due on Saturday 19th November 2011 at 3pm. Light eats to follow. Put it in your diary!
Monthly Masses Renewal
Will you help us secure a Mass each day every month for the fruitfulness and protection of our work?
I am CERTAIN that a big reason for the amazing fruitfulness we have seen this last year is due to the 40 Masses per month offered up for the protection and fruitfulness of the work of HLI (Ireland) - and for the intentions of our benefactors living and deceased.
Help us get all 31 days covered! We have 8 days per month already pledged.
A HUGE THANK YOU to those of you who arranged this for these past 12 months.
REMEMBER - These Masses are offered up for YOU as well! Thank you again.
Every blessing.

The THREE MARKS OF MANHOOD - How to be Priest, Prophet and King to your Family, by author and psychologist G.C. Dilsaver;
A bold and wise book, it will show husbands and wives the way to greater virtue and happiness.
Drawing extensively from Catechisms, encyclicals and scripture, this powerful work brings a clarity and focus to the subject of authentic manhood so fiercely attacked by confusion in today's secularised society.
The central tenet is that every man - in the model of Christ - is called to wield the three staffs of patriarchy in their families; the Sceptre of authority and self-discipline, the Crosier of spiritual stewardship and the Cross of redemptive suffering.
This book is certain to provoke much thought and debate among its readers, both men and women.
Read it and learn how to build a strong and lasting marriage, raise children to become faithful men and women of God, and foster an authentic Catholic culture in your home.
This book examines the heart of culture-changing authentic Catholic masculinity and expounds on the complementary role and call to women in their glorious femininity.
I have read in this book affirmations and provoking challenges I have never read before in any Catholic text.