
Men’s Climb of Atonement Croagh Patrick Aug 2017

"I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to Him." Deuteronomy 30:19-20 A group of 40 men gathered in the car park at the base…
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Sponsorship of catechisms to young people

We sponsored the gift of Catechisms to everyone at Youth 2000's recent retreat in Roscrea. Participants proudly show off their catechisms at this year's Youth 2000 festival in Roscrea, Co. Tipperary. “A fabulous gift!” “This is amazing!” “What a brilliant idea!” Just some of the comments from the enthusiastic young people when handed their catechisms…
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Croagh Patrick Climb of Atonement

Our Annual Men's Climb of Atonement takes place on Saturday 26th August 2017. Assembly at 10:30 am at base of the mountain in the car park. Mass will take place at approximately 1.30 pm. Hot food and refreshments will be served to participants at the base in the car park at 5:00pm.  
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  HOLY FACE 2017 CAMPAIGN            Vigil Locations  Good Friday 14th April 2017 Photos from the various Holy Face of Jesus Vigils around the country     Vigil in Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh Vigil in Waterford City Vigil in Portlaoise, Co. Laois Vigil in Letterkenny, Co. Donegal Vigil in Bray, Co. Wicklow…
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Response to Times of London Report on Ask Majella

PRESS RELEASE April 3rd 2017 Human Life International welcomes issues raised by undercover journalist feature in The Times  Patrick McCrystal, Executive Director of Human Life International Ireland, has responded to an article in Monday’s edition of The Times by Ellen Coyne who used an undercover journalist to pose as a pregnant client. “We stand by…
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A Big Thank you to All the Supporters of HLI Ireland!

A tribute to our supporters Thanks to YOUR help! Activities report 2016 Upholding and defending the sanctity of life, faith and family according to the teachings of the Catholic Church     • 32 babies saved since January 2016     • 360 calls approx. on our national pregnancy helpline. • Monthly advertising Ask Majella…
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